was created by a computer maker, named Seattle Computer Products (SCP)
which is headed by Tim Patterson, who later recruited by Microsoft to
develop a DOS-in 1980 as an operating system software with the name of
Q-DOS (short for from
Quick and Dirty Operating System), which subsequently was renamed
86-DOS, because the Q-DOS is designed to run on computers with Intel
8086 processor. Microsoft would buy a license with less than U.S. $ 50,000 price of the SCP, then changed its name to MS-DOS. Furthermore, when IBM was about to launch a personal computer called the IBM PC, Microsoft also sells licenses MS-DOS to IBM. Understanding DOSDOS is (are) operating system that uses command-line interface used by computer users in the decade of the 1980s. To boot the computer facilities and run some software applications, such as WAS and Lotus. DOS is still a lot of functions that are used today, especially in resolving some troubleshooting on computer hardware. Although it could also be done on a GUI-based operating system. The following DOS functions:1. Organize or control the computer activities2. Set the memory3. Set the process input and output data4. Management file5. Management directory Family bebrapa DOS divided into classes, namely:1. MS-DOS (Microsoft Disk Operating System), including the Tandy DOS,2. Compaq
DOS, Q-DOS (Quick and Dirty Operating System) and several clones from
MS-DOS operating system that was sold to makers of computer systems IBM
PC / Compatible.3. IBM
PC-DOS (International Business Machines Personal Computer Disk
Operating System), which although still made by Microsoft, modified a
little to be used by IBM PC computer.4. DR-DOS (Digital Research Disk Operating System), which is made by the makers of the operating system CP / M, Gary Kildall.5. Novell
Personal Netware, the DR-DOS version which was sold to Novell as a
company that houses the CP / M went bankrupt (Novell acquired Digital
Research Incorporated).6. Caldera DOS, Novell Personal Netware is a version that was sold to Caldera Corporation.7. FreeDOS, DOS version is built from the remnants of the development of Caldera DOS, developed by the open source community.
and Microsoft subsequently released versions of DOS, where the direct
version of IBM PC bundled with the IBM computer called the "IBM PC-DOS"
(short for International Business Machines Personal Computer Disk
Operating System). At first, IBM only uses what is proper use of MS-DOS released by Microsoft, such as programs or utilities that inclusion. For this reason, IBM's version is always slower than the released version of MS-DOS. But,
MS-DOS version 4.0 is the first version of MS-DOS that really the same
as the IBM PC-DOS, because Microsoft is berkonsenstrasi to develop a
successor to the DOS operating system, called OS / 2.Microsoft,
when licensed DOS to IBM, signed a license agreement that contains one
point that Microsoft may license the MS-DOS to companies other than IBM,
and the company is welcome to change the name MS-DOS became the name
they use (example: TandyDOS, Compaq DOS , and others). Many
versions of course the same as the version that has been developed by
Microsoft with MS-DOS, but Microsoft started to revoke the license
agreement so that other companies should use the name MS-DOS, instead of
names that have been previously customized. Only IBM provided the flexibility to continue using the name of the IBM PC-DOS, MS-DOS instead.MS-DOS
was developed fairly quickly, with significant features are taken from
some other operating systems like Microsoft Xenix-one variant of the
UNIX operating system developed by Microsoft-and DR-DOS Digital
Research, and other utility products such
as Norton Utilities from Symantec Corporation (products adopted as
Microsoft Disk Defragmenter), PC-Tools from Central Points (products
adopted as Microsoft Anti-Virus), expanded memory manager or EMM
(Expanded Memory Manager) QEMM from Quarterdeck (products adopted such
as EMM386), compression of the disk (or disk compression) DriveSpace
from Stac Electronics, and many other products adopted.When
Intel Corporation introduces a new microprocessor called the Intel
80286, Microsoft and IBM started a new project substitute DOS operating
system called OS / 2, which is essentially a version of MS-DOS running
in protected mode (protected mode). But Microsoft left the project OS / 2 is to focus on the development of Microsoft Windows and Microsoft Windows NT. Digital Research makes a graphical interface called the GEM, but is less popular on the IBM PC or compatible computer. GEM has received its market on the ATARI ST machines, but eventually overtaken again by Microsoft with Windows version 3.0.
1. MS-DOS version 1.xxThis is where the initial version of MS-DOS was first released by Microsoft. The
contents, of course very primitive and only contains the basic
framework only: no display graphs for managing files, no support
network. Anyway, the first version of DOS is clean frill. The
first version of DOS supports only IBM PC Model 5150 and all supporting
hardware, such as floppy disks only support single-side floppy disk
with a size of 5 ½ inches with a capacity of only 160K.Interval
of approximately one year, in which the public interest will be the
product of IBM PC, Microsoft also made improvements to MSDOS, and
emerged DOS version 1.1. Actually,
this is caused by IBM to launch new products for the floppy disk drive
floppy double-side with a size 5 ½ inches with a capacity of 320K. Use
double-side for the floppy disk is very influential, because storage
media can store twice as much compared with single-side floppy diskette.
Do not laugh to see the capacity of floppy disks that are supported by MS-DOS 1.1. You will not get the capacity of tens of megabytes or gigabytes. Even the hard disk it is still rarely encountered in the microcomputer, the Apple III and the only who has it.After that, Microsoft appeared to sell MS-DOS to IBM competitors who make a kind of clone of the IBM PC 5150. Microsoft gave version 1.25. They
are designed in such a way by using the philosophy of
open-architecture, such as Apple and Commodore then clones of the IBM PC
can be done. And that's why IBM PCs and clones IBM PC compatible with IBM PC is very successful in the market. This is the success of three companies: IBM, Intel, and of course Microsoft. Only, it was then eroded IBM's market by Compaq, Hewlett-Packard, and Dell Computer Corporation is making IBM PC clones.2. MS-DOS version 2.xxIn early 1983, IBM launched the IBM PC XT (Extended Technology), as the improvement of the IBM PC version of 5150. IBM
PC XT equipped with a 10M hard disk, interface input / output serial
type (RS-232 or better known as a COM interface), with a capacity of
128K RAM, a floppy disk drive 360K double-side and three expansion
slots. Of
course, the use of some new hardware such as hard disks, and floppy
drives with a capacity of 360K (40K higher than the double-side version
of the IBM PC 5150) requires an operating system, IBM and Microsoft did
not disappoint. They readily and rapidly released MS-DOS version 2.0. Finally, the IBM PC XT is bundled with IBM PC-DOS 2.0.MS-DOS version 2.0 has many improvements from MS-DOS 1.1 is intended for IBM PC 5150. Among
these are support for the use of a hierarchical directory structure
(branching) like a tree whose root (root) and branches (branch). In
addition, MS-DOS 2.0 also supports a variety of functions adopted from
UNIX, as well as the use of I / O redirection (>,>>, <,
<<) and the print spooler. Features
the print spooler is a feature that can save the file to be printed in a
memory buffer so that the file to be printed are not printed
immediately, but saved first. The
aim is that the printing process can take place more quickly, and users
will not be bothered to print the entire file if the paper runs out,
but just need a new paper and press the resume button to continue. While I / O redirection functions to perform input and output functions are performed from the command line. Besides
these two features are adopted from the UNIX, DOS version 2.0 also
allows you to install drivers for DOS, by integrating it in the
configuration file CONFIG.SYS.Apparently, IBM PC XT computer was very successful: success even reached Japan. To support Japanese Kanji language, Microsoft decided to launch the MS-DOS version 2:05.In the same year, IBM launched the IBM PC Jr.. (Read: PC Junior). Unfortunately, unlike his brothers, the IBM PC Jr.. failed in the market. When launched, the IBM PC Jr.. using the IBM PC-DOS 2.1.3. MS-DOS versions 3.xxIBM launched the IBM PC-AT (Advanced Technology) in the summer of 1984. IBM
PC AT computer using the Intel 80286 microprocessor (16-bit) 6MHz
speed, memory capacity of 256K RAM, a floppy drive 1.2m 5 ¼ inches, a
20M hard disk, and color video card (CGA standards). Of
course, Microsoft as a solid business partner to swiftly support the
launch of the IBM PC-AT with also launched the latest version, MS-DOS
3.0. MS-DOS
3.0 supports all the capabilities of the IBM PC-AT, except for
multi-tasking provided by the Intel 80286 processor capable of running
in protected mode, of course.DOS
3.0 is the version that can support network function, although limited
to the network with the concept of the working group (workgroup) and
connected as a client on a server. Users can use networking technology created by IBM, Token Ring on the DOS operating system. DOS
3.0 also supports a floppy disk 3 ½-inch low-density capacity of 720K,
while the DOS 3.3 supports floppy disk 3 ½-inch high-density capacity of
1.44M. In
the DOS version 3 also supports a partition on the hard disk has a
capacity of up to 32M, 12m higher than the DOS version 2.0.4. MS-DOS version 4.xxIn 1988, the operating system with graphical display began to mushroom. Microsoft also released Windows version 1.0 on Windows 1985 and version 2.0 in 1989. In
the DOS version 4.0, Microsoft makes a DOS shell program with the name
of Shell, which has a display such as DOS Executive's Windows version
1.0. At
that time, there is a program that is also popular shell running on top
of DOS operating system, with the name of the Norton Commander (NC)
made by Peter Norton. By using the shell, users can more easily organize and archive files, and run the program, in one screen only. In addition, because the mouse can simplify the operation of computers, DOS Shell can also support it.Version 4.0 is a version of the most changes. The next version is the improved versions, and various additional utilities.5. MS-DOS version 5.xxIBM
does not make a breakthrough, a new breakthrough in the microcomputer
industry, which previously dominated the market because IBM has eaten
little by little by its competitors, such as Compaq, Hewlett-Packard,
and Dell, which also produces microcomputers compatible with IBM
computers, because using the same design, and also the same microprocessors made by Intel Corporation. Here is Intel Corporation's successful, because the microprocessors used produced much more, due to demand more. Because
computers are using microprocessors made by Intel Corporation, which
caught the second successful is Microsoft with DOS. Many
analysts argue that this is caused by the failure of IBM when they sell
the IBM PC Jr.., And IBM Micro-architecture P/S2 with Channel
Architecture (MCA). The
MCA bus used by IBM P/S2 not use the concept of open-architecture as
the ISA bus is also made by IBM but with an open-architecture. In
addition, the expansion cards that use the MCA bus has a price
relatively more expensive than the ISA bus which was widely used and
became a standard, thereby slowing absorption in the microcomputer
market.IBM have failed to extend the life of the IBM PC, but Microsoft continues to develop with the launch DOS MS-DOS version 5.0. Version
5.0 was released in 1991, and has many features that are much better,
as well as device drivers can be installed on a memory area above 640K
(HMA), using the parameters in the configuration file CONFIG.SYS
DEVICEHIGH and LOADHIGH the autoexec file. BAT
thus increase the possibility to run a program that requires
conventional memory (640K of memory beginning of which is owned by the
computer) is greater.For the problem of utility, Microsoft is adding a lot of utility in DOS versions 5.0 of this. Among
these are ASCII text file editor named MS-DOS Editor (EDIT.COM) and
QuickBasic programming language programs (QBASIC.EXE). This utility is intended to replace the editor-oriented "line by line", EDLIN.EXE that exist in DOS versions 4.0 and earlier.In addition to ASCII text file editor, Microsoft also made a utility to create a macro to speed up working with computers. The program is called DOSKEY.COM macro maker. When loaded, DOSKEY can create a macro and execute the macro. In
addition, by using DOSKEY can simplify typing the same command with the
previous command so that the problem of "tired of typing" the same
command over and over again to be far more simple and easy. To do so, users can use the arrow keys up and down. Features like these are owned by the Command Prompt in Windows 2000/XP.Other utilities are also interesting is UNFORMAT.EXE and UNDELETE.EXE. Both are very useful utility to restore deleted files and formatted drives. UNDELETE.EXE
similar programs such as the Recycle Bin in Windows 95 (and beyond),
only they look a bit more complicated compared to the Recycle Bin that
runs on Windows. In
addition UNDELETE.EXE running on the command line, the DOS version 5.0
is also there MWUNDEL.EXE utility that runs on Windows version 3.0, so
that the Recycle Bin feature can also be found in Windows 3.0.6. MS-DOS version 6.xxMS-DOS version 6.0 was released in 1993. This
version has many additional utilities, such as Antivirus (MSAV.EXE),
Virus Protection (VSAFE.COM) adopted from Central Point PC-Tools. In
addition, there is also a utility to perform disk defragmentation
(DEFRAG.EXE) adopted from Symantec Norton Utilities, a utility to check
the hard disk of the file placement errors and damage (SCANDISK.EXE)
instead Chkdsk.exe, and various improvements of utilities that existed before.In MS-DOS version 6.0 also includes a utility that can create a more efficient placement file with the name of DoubleSpace. However, a company that has a patent on it became so angry that requires Microsoft to court. Microsoft was defeated and deprived of any DoubleSpace utility DOS 6.20. Late
1994, Microsoft revised the DOS 6:20 with a similar utility but does
not violate the patents of others under the name DriveSpace. MS-DOS is MS-DOS version 6.22.7. MS-DOS version 7.xxMS-DOS
version 7.0 was released just months before Microsoft released Windows
95, a version of Windows that is completely independent of the MS-DOS. Actually,
Windows 95 is not really 100% free of MS-DOS, it's just some of the
functionality that previously was handled by MS-DOS kernel, are now
handled by Windows. MSDOS.SYS
file which in previous versions are binary files (programs), now just a
plain text file, which contains the computer boot process only, and
various line contains "xxx" with no apparent function.Not much improvement that occurred at 7:00 this DOS because some functions have been moved to Windows 95. Windows 95 is an additional version of Windows with Win-32 API and a redesigned desktop. Windows 95 has a control center from the Start Menu button on the bottom left corner of your screen. When
a new supply of 2 months, Microsoft said profit is very considerable,
since Windows 95 have been sold to more than 7 million copies.When
Microsoft launched Windows 98, Microsoft also revised version of DOS to
7:10 with support for FAT32 file system that is much more efficient
than FAT16 file system. The functionality of the MS-DOS owned too much trimmed 7:10. The
result, in late 1999, Microsoft launched a new version of Windows,
code-named Georgia (Windows Millennium Edition), which is really no DOS!Actually,
the operating system without actually ever made by Microsoft's DOS
prior to Windows NT, Windows NT only intended for minicomputers, network
servers, mainframes, and workstations. Its use makes it very difficult complicated adopted by the beginners in the field of computers. COMMAND - COMMAND DOSDOS commands are commands that can be run on the DOS operating system. In the DOS operating system, there are two types of orders, namely:1)
internal command (internal command), ie commands that have been
incorporated into the COMMAND.COM (DOS command interpreter), so it can
be directly executed by the DOS kernel, anywhere.2)
The external command (external command), ie commands that are not
included in COMMAND.COM, and requires an executable file (a DOS program)
to be contained in the active directory. Collection of DOS commands:1. BREAK Sets checking key presses Ctrl + C or foil.2. CD or chdir Change current directory to another directory specified in the parameter. If executed with no parameters, then this command will display the location where the directory is on.3. CHCP
If run without parameters, this command will display the code page
(character set) in the form of figures that are being used. This command can also be used to change the code page for all devices that support the turn of a collection of characters.4. CLS Clear the screen and place the cursor at the left corner of the screen. This command has no parameters.5. COPY Copy one or more files from one location to another are determined. This command has two parameters, namely the parameters of the source file and destination to which files will be copied.6. CTTY This command will replace the terminal device (terminal device / tty) used to control the computer.7. DATE This command will display the current date. This command also can set the computer date.8. DEL or ERASE Delete the file specified in the parameter. Parameters can be either file or multiple file names compiled using wildcard characters.9. DIR
If used without parameters, this command can display a list of the
files and subdirectories contained in the active directory. This file has one parameter, namely the location of the directory where you want to display a list of directory contents.10. EXIT Exit from the shell and the secondary COMMAND.COM COMMAND.COM back to the primary. LH or LOADHIGH Loading a program into upper memory blocks.11. LOCK command allows direct access to your hard disk. This command is only available to the MS-DOS in Windows 95/98.12. Or MD mkdir Create a directory in the active directory.13. PATH Determine where the MS-DOS should look for files that can be executed as a program.14. PROMPT Change the MS-DOS command prompt.15. Rmdir or RD Removes an empty directory. Will fail if the directory contains files or other subdirectories. Use an external command DELTREE to remove a total of a directory tree.16. REN or RENAME Change the name of one or multiple files (with wildcard characters).17. SET Displays, delete or set environment variables. Generally, this command is inserted into the AUTOEXEC.BAT file.18. TIME Displays or sets the current time.19. TYPE Displays the contents of a file (in text form) into the standard output.20. UNLOCK disables access the hard disk directly. This command is only edimiliki by MS-DOS in Windows 95/98.21. VER Display version of the operating system used.22. VERIFY
Telling the operating system in order to verify that the files are
written to the storage medium has been completely written, and displays
the status verification. This command is by default turned on by the MS-DOS.23. VOL Displays the name of the label of a volume or partition.
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